
De Cartoonist

Sinds eind 2024 maak ik dagelijks cartoons over politiek en maatschappij.

Starting late 2024, I draw daily cartoons on politics and society.

De hardloper

Ik ben een doorsnee hardloper, die te laat is begonnen om ooit nog echt snel te lopen. Met regelmatige onregelmatigheid schrijf ik korte stukjes over mijn ervaringen als hardloper. Ik ben aangesloten bij AV’40

I’m just another runner, who discovered running way too late to ever be really good at it. With regular irregularity, I write short stories about my experiences as a runner. I run at AV’40

Professional career

As a designer|developer with a flair for animation and playfulness, I am playing an important role in breathing life into software. My job is to manage the finishing touches of transitions, sound effects and all those other little details that make an interactive feels finished. With the ability to approach the concept of a simple interactive from a different angle, I give it the extra sparkle that makes it stand out.

With 20 years of experience in designing and developing interactive experiences, I worked for clients all over the world. Both big and small.

When I’m not working, I’m probably running a long distance, reading a book or playing my guitar. Never at the same time, though 😉